
MDB GO Authentication - login to CLI in many different ways

Choose one of several methods of logging in to the MDB CLI

Login & registration

In order to start using CLI login to your account. If you don't have one yet - you can create it for free.

Via website

The easiest way to create an account is to navigate to or and create free account.


Note: You can use same account on and

Video tutorial:

Login via terminal

You can register to MDB CLI directly in the terminal, to do it you just need to use the mdb register command and enter your login and password

        $ mdb register

To log in to your account use

      $ mdb login

If you used one of your social accounts during registration, you should use the commands below to log in

      --method    sign in using social media. Possible values: google, facebook, twitter

      $ mdb login
      $ mdb login --method google
      $ mdb login --method facebook
      $ mdb login --method twitter